Care Concierge


Care Concierge provides Nurses, Therapists & Caregivers (Senior Care Specialists) to the home for post-hospitalisation recovery and eldercare. Our team of Senior Care Specialists are trained & certified with our proprietary technology to assist with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), to provide specialised care for cancer, stroke recovery, post-hospitalisation, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and to perform medical procedures & therapies.

Care Essential is for patients that require basic care, assistance, and companionship. Care Advanced is for patients that require advanced care for a variety of medical conditions, eg. stroke, cancer, Dementia, Alzheimer’s etc. Care X is for patients that require a Registered Nurse to perform a medical procedure, as well as for those who needs Physiotherapy. Please contact us at 1300 22 8822 (local) or 03-27243828 (overseas) to find out which plan best suits your requirements.

Yes. In order to become a part of our team of Senior Care Specialists, each candidate must undergo a series of training and assessments to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide the best possible care to the families requiring our services. Care Concierge is the first in Asia to partner with an established University, UTAR, to certify Professional Caregivers.

If you would like to engage with the services of a Senior Care Specialist, please contact us at 1300 22 8822 (local) or 0327243828 (overseas) and we will find you the most suitable Senior Care Specialist available based on your requirements.

The profile of the Senior Care Specialist will be shared with you once the Senior Care Manager has identified the most suitable candidate. This may take from 24-72 hours from the time you request for our services.

We usually require between 24-72 hours to find the right Senior Care Specialist for your requirement. Your Senior Care Manager may require more time if there are no suitable candidates available at the particular moment.

For Urgent Request of less than 24 hours, an Urgent Fee of RM100 may be incurred, depending on availability of a suitable Senior Care Specialist.

The responsibility of the Senior Care Specialist, in relation to housekeeping, is to ensure that the Care Recipient’s belongings, as well as their most immediate environment are kept clean. The areas which are affected during their duty are also to be maintained.

If necessary, the Senior Care Specialist may perform some of the following housekeeping tasks:

  • Changing of bed linen to ensure the care recipient has a clean bed

  • Sweeping and mopping the room which the care recipient spends the most time in

  • Cooking for the care recipient, and cleaning up the kitchen/dining area after use

  • Cleaning up after the care recipient in the case of any accidents.

The main focus of the Senior Care Specialist is to provide the necessary care for the care recipient. The care recipient’s safety and wellbeing must be prioritised.

The minimum hours for engaging the services of a professional caregiver is 5 hours.

Care X (Medical Procedure & Physiotherapy) are on a per-session basis.

If you wish to extend the hours of the Senior Care Specialist, kindly inform your Care Manager. Extension of hours is subject to the availability of the Senior Care Specialist.

The relevant charges will be incurred for the extension.

Our Senior Care Specialists can provide care in the hospital setting.

It is not advisable for the Senior Care Specialists to stay overnight at the hospital due to health reasons. In the case where it is necessary for the CARE Pro to stay overnight, the client should provide the following:

– A proper bed for the Senior Care Specialist to sleep in at night

– RM10 transport allowance (subject to the travel arrangement)

– RM10 food allowance (subject to the arrangement)

Kindly speak to your Senior Care Manager to find out more about the best Care Plan for the hospital setting.


For Live-In caregivers, the client has to provide the mandatory 3 meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner).


For Live-In caregivers, the client has to provide a proper bed to ensure that the caregivers are able to get sufficient rest.


For locations less than 25 km travel distance from Jaya One, transportation charges will not be incurred.

For locations beyond 25 km travel distance from Jaya One, a transportation fee of RM2/km travelled will be incurred to the client. This is to cover the cost of transportation for the Senior Care Specialists.

For cases beyond Klang Valley, separate transportation charges apply. Please speak to your Senior Care Manager to find out more.

We’ve written a comprehensive guide that has highlighted the differences between a caregiver and a nurse, and also other aspects of the caregiver services that you would need to know. You can read the article here!

Every request for our service will be managed by a member of the Senior Care Manager team. Your Senior Care Manager will be the main coordinator of your CARE Plan, overseeing various aspects including the selection of Senior Care Specialists, enforcement of the company’s regulations, problem-solving issues arising from the case, and mediating between the client and caregiver (in the case of a misunderstanding).

Think of your Senior Care Manager as your guardian angel, who watches over all aspects of the patient’s care remotely. They are there to manage the Senior Care Specialists, as well as to provide assistance to the family through offering advice/feedback, support, and even counselling to the immediate family when required.

Care Concierge provides nurses, therapists, and caregivers to the home for post-hospitalisation recovery and eldercare. You have the option of having a live-in, daycare, or even hourly caregiver, depending on your requirement.


All payments are due upon receipt of invoice, prior to commencement of services.

Payment can be made directly through the Care Concierge App, or by Bank Transfer to the following:

CIMB Bank Account No: 8007794267

We do not accept cash payments for security purposes.


Payment can be made directly through the Care Concierge App, or by Bank Transfer to the following:

CIMB BANK Account No: 8010948703

For Credit Card options, please request for a Credit Card link through our Care Manager.

Care Concierge’s monthly packages typically refer to a 4-weekly basis arrangement.
This is to take into consideration the varying number of days in a calendar month.


CARE Plus 6-Day Week Monthly Package
Total number of working days = 6 days x 4 weeks = 24 days

Yes. There is a 1.5x rate for the daily/hourly services.

Those on the Monthly Package will enjoy a waiver of this surcharge.

Should you wish to cancel your Monthly Package, kindly inform your designated Care Manager.

The number of unused days will be prorated and refunded to you. An Administration Fee of RM100 will be incurred.

In the case where the Patient has passed away, a Compassionate Refund will take place. The number of unused days will be prorated and refunded to you. No administration fee will be incurred.

For more information, kindly speak to your designated Care Manager.

Changes made in less than 12 hours from the appointed time will incur a RM100 Change Request Fee:

  • Cancellation of appointment less than 12 hours from the appointment time

  • Changing the date of the session less than 12 hours from the appointment time

  • Changing the time of the session less than 12 hours from the appointment time

  • Request for change of CARE Pro less than 12 hours from the appointment time

The Change Request Fee is in place to compensate the scheduled Care Pro for the time and opportunities they may have set aside, as well as the additional accompanying coordination work from our Care Managers.

All Care Plan has a validity period of 180 days from the date of purchase. Please speak to your designated Care Manager if you need further assistance on this matter.

Yes. Kindly speak to your Care Manager to assist with the transfer process.

You can use the following avenues to make your payment:

  1. Fund transfer
    CIMB BANK Account No: 8010948703
    Kindly provide the bank in slip via email to [email protected] or to your Care Manager.

  2. Cheque
    Please make all cheques payable to ‘CARE GUARDIAN SDN BHD ’. Cheques can be passed to your Care Manager, or delivered to Care Concierge Head Office @ Jaya One (A-1-2, Block A, Jaya One, 72A, Jalan Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, 46200, Petaling Jaya)

  3. Credit Card
    Kindly use this link to download the Care Concierge App to make payment via credit card:
    For Android
    For iOS

Our monthly package is on a 4 weekly basis. We do not lock you in on any long term contracts. You can renew this package before the end of each package.

A transportation fee is applicable for locations further than 25km from our CARE Concierge Jaya One head office (applicable for homes within Selangor).. The rate is RM2/km per trip travelled. For cases beyond Selangor, the transportation cost will be in the form of a bus ticket. Your CARE Manager will advise you on the final cost of this.

For early termination of a monthly package, please note that there will be a RM100 Administration Fee. A pro-rated refund will be issued for the number of unused days.

In the case where the patient passes away, Care Concierge will issue a Compassionate Refund based on the number of unused days.

Care Concierge App

The CARE Concierge App allows you to do the following:

  • Monitor and track daily tasks
  • Monitor the patient’s basic vitals & medication intake
  • Monitor bookings, appointments, invoices, receipt
  • Make payment via the mobile app

Use the following link to download the CARE Concierge App:



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