Care Concierge


Refresher Course

This programme aims to help caregivers refresh and enhance their clinical skills for providing home care.

Course Highlight

This programme includes both Level 1 and Level 2 courses, designed to enhance both fundamental and advanced caregiving skills.

Level 1 focuses on essential skills such as effective communication, safe mobility assistance, health assessments, and personal hygiene practices.

Level 2 covers advanced tasks, including medication administration (as per doctor’s recommendations), tube feeding, oxygen therapy, and basic wound care.

The course ensures that caregivers are well-prepared to meet diverse caregiving needs.


Who should attend

  • Caregivers with assisted living home experience, but lack formal training and caregivers who seeking a course to refresh their caregiving knowledge.

Course Structure

3 days

  • Day 1 & 2: Combination of theory classes and practicals
  • Day 3: Assessment via return demonstration by participants

Basic Caregiving Level 1

Programme: CCA 005

Duration : 3 days

Fees : RM500

Gain knowledge and skills in assessing vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse/heart rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation levels.

Learn and demonstrate safe techniques for mobilising seniors in bed, as well as lifting and transferring them out of bed, using proper body mechanics and assistive devices.

Basic Caregiving Level 2

Programme: CCA 009

Duration : 3 days

Fees : RM800

Focuses on advanced skills and knowledge for complex care:

  • Assistance with medication administration (as per doctor’s recommendation)
  • Basic wound dressing for first aid, including care for cuts, abrasions, and scrapes
  • Management of intake and output, and documentation
  • Safe techniques for NGT and PEG tube feeding
  • Provision of safe urinary catheter and colostomy care
  • Delivery of respiratory care for seniors, which includes administering oxygen via nasal prongs or a face mask and setting up oxygen equipment
  • Safe oral/nasal suctioning techniques

Entry Requirements
Experienced Caregivers (nursing homes, assisted living residences, and at-home care) but lacked formal training and those seeking to refresh their caregiving knowledge.

3 days

The Mansion Ritchie, Ampang

Registration for Refresher Course

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